I have decided to share Mark's and my love story
A brief Background:
I lived in Scotland for 2 years and moved back to South Africa in April 2010. After a year of getting back into the swing of things and finding myself unemployed a friend (who was also unemployed at the time) and I started our little events stationery business.
The start of US:
Now not being a very outgoing and "social" person I don't really go to clubs and pubs and meet new people I decided to sign up for on line dating.
At the same time Mark who works from home in IT obviously had no colleagues and also didn't go to clubs and pubs was also signed up to the same site on line dating site.
I sent him a message saying "Hi want to chat?" and we did, we communicated for about a week before we decided to meet in person. (29th March 2011)
Because I was quite paranoid about meeting an "Internet guy" I made sure my friend knew exactly where I was going to be and what time, and no matter how great the date went I'd leave a a pre-decided time. So we met, had a great first date and I left on time, we swopped numbers and real email address's and then started communicating outside of the dating site.
The same week I had 2 more dates with other guys, the 2nd guy the date went quite well and we agreed to meet again, the 3rd guy not so well and we never met again.
That weekend I had to travel to a cousin's wedding (in the next Province over from where I live) Mark sent me a text wishing me safe travels and that made an impression on me, we landed up by texting on and off all weekend. Our 2nd date was on the Monday evening. (4th April) I also had 2nd date with the 2nd guy that week.
My 3rd date with Mark was on the Friday, (8th April) I met up with him, his sister, brother in law and nieces. It may seem really early to meet his family but it just seemed right.
The next Tuesday (12th April) we decided to be " exclusive" and only date each other.
Our first picture together |
A day trip about a month after we started dating |
So we dated and things were going well. The weekend of the 2nd March 2012 I had had a terrible week and he planned a weekend camping trip away for us. A surprise none the less.
The Saturday he planned a lunch after a short hike. He packed a delicious lunch of cheeses, hams, gluten free crackers, cheese nak chips, and a chocolate custard dessert. He even remembered a picnic blanket! We picked a nice spot on the path of a forest. We were about finished lunch when he said he had a surprise for me, he pulled out a ring box and asked me to be his wife. I said "YES,YES YES!" That's the right ring! You found it!" He had had it made smaller for me but the jewellers had made it half a size too small. My response? "Just shove it on!" Then he pulled out a bottle of champagne and 2 glasses for us to celebrate with.
If you look between the 2 glasses you'll see my ring box.
We got engaged a few minutes before this was taken |
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At Friends wedding, we were Bridesmaid and Groomsman |
Our pre Wedding Shoot, a nautical theme. Photos by Taryn Rahl Photography |
So nearly a year after starting to date we were engaged. Then the wedding planning started (the wedding itself is a whole different post!)
We moved into our first home together on the 3rd November 2012 and got married on the 23 February 2013.
Some wedding pictures. Also by Taryn Rahl Photography |
That's our little love story :)
Hopefully kids will come along within a year or two. But for now it's us, our 2 dogs, 3 cats and 14 chickens.
Love Lauren